MIW, Inc.
MIW is a private non-profit organization with a mission to provide vocational training and employment services for individuals with disabilities to help them achieve their desired goals. There are multiple ways MIW, Inc. funds our overall mission and they are: Production revenue, Grants, United Way, Government assistance, and goodwill donations. MIW was founded in 1967 at the Marshall County fairgrounds by a group of local parents who noticed there weren’t many opportunities available for adults with disabilities, after high school. This was especially true when it came to employment. At first seven individuals attended the program. With donations and word of mouth, the program started to grow and in 1970 individuals from other counties started to attend the program. An increase in attendance made it apparent that a new location was needed. The “Help us Build” Campaign kicked off in 1971 and towards the end of 1975 MIW, Inc broke ground at our current location 909 S. 14th Ave. in Marshalltown, Iowa. Due to the continued need of our services and the support from the community we have grown and currently offer services to 49 individuals.
The services we offer continue to change and evolve with the ever-changing times. We currently provide Supported Employment Services. Individuals with disabilities are referred to MIW by their MCO Case Manager, IHH Case Coordinator, CICS Service Coordinator, or Voc. Rehab Specialist. Once enrolled an individual first receives Job Development services. This program is designed to help the member develop their employment hard and soft skills, build their resume, and practice interview skills. Members in Job Development will have one on one support to go out and try different jobs in the community by completing job shadows and help to apply and interview for jobs of their choice. When a member gets a job, they transition into Job Coaching services. This is where MIW services staff support them one on one in the job. Staff attend work with the member, help set up natural supports and provide any accommodations the individual may need. MIW services work closely with the employer to help both the member and employer develop a positive relationship and a successful working relationship. Individuals can also choose to work in our production facility at MIW, Inc. MIW offers a multitude of subcontracting assembly/kitting production for manufacturers. Our production offers a great stream of revenue to pay our employees and continue to grow and sustain our services
MIW is nationally accredited by CARF (the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities), certified by the Department of Labor to pay special wages to people with disabilities, and is a United Way agency. Services are paid for by their Medicaid/insurance, county, or VR services. With MIW being a non-profit organization, all income goes back into the organization.